Student Resources
Use the tabs to navigate the resources
- Lettering in STEM
- Higher Education
- Pathway Change Form
- Entrepreneurship
- Tinker Studio
- Student Opportunites
Lettering in STEM
Earning a STEM Letter
In order to earn a STEM Letter, students need to do the following:
(1) Be in a STEM Pathway with an "A" or "B" in your current pathway class;
(2) Maintain a 3.0 Cumulative GPA or have two consecutive semesters with 3.0 or better GPA;
(3) Complete 50 STEM Development hours; and
(4) Students can letter in STEM once per year.
Applications are reviewed and letters distributed at the end of each semester.
STEM Development Hours
In order to letter, students need to complete 50 STEM Development hours since their last application for a STEM letter. STEM Development hours can be done through community service, service learning, or professional development. Below are a few examples of where students can get these hours.
Fill out your STEM Letter Application here:
Community Service/Service Learning Hours Log
How to log your Community Service and Service Learning hours:
Copy the form linked above, add your name in the subject and title, and email it to any sponsors of activities that you have done.
Community Service and Service Learning Examples
Camp Ignition. Both campers and leaders get service hours.
GO Engineering Day. Participants and leaders receive service hours.
CU Science Discovery
Anythink Library student guides
City of Northglenn Youth Commission.
Anatomy In Clay Center volunteers
Summer Science Scholars
Pathway specific shadowing and volunteering (ie engineers, veterinarians)
AICC Filming
STEM Enrichment Academy
STEM Summer Institute
Volunteering at STEM Magnet Lab and STEM Launch
STEM Concierge & Student Ambassadors
Lab Prep
Eighth Grade Choice Night
NHS Link Leader
Volunteering at Food Banks, Day Care, Safe Street Halloween, feeder school PTAs, municipal partner events.
Professional Development Log
How to log your Professional Development hours:
Copy the form linked above, add your name in the subject and title, then fill out the form and attach/link proof of your professional development hours.
Professional Development Examples
Open - not just for PTECH pathway students. There are a ton of online badges you can earn through this site.
Google Student Certifications - Mrs. Nunn can help with this, if you need.
Colorado School of Mines Society of Hispanic Engineers
Higher Education
Pathway Change Form
What a great opportunity! A student can become an entrepreneur with their idea, a training program, and a loan set up just for Northglenn High School students!
Entrepreneurship For Teens
6-8 week program, first five weeks follow the chapter framework of the book we are using, subsequent weeks for presentations and refinements.
Classes are offered once a quarter starting second quarter. They are held on Wednesdays at 12:45 pm.
Location, STEM conference/presentation rooms
Outside partners will instruct program, while engaging additional business leaders to speak with us
Teachers from NHS are welcome and encouraged to attend these workshops, to support daily/weekly implementation into classroom discussions, input to curriculum, participation, and more.
Purpose is to foster entrepreneurship in each of these individuals/groups to see the opportunity to foster their business ideas, as a result of their PBL
Support individual passions for success and engagement for personal growth and to understand the steps in structuring the launch of their own business
Micro Loans through Young American's Bank
The Morgridge Family Foundation has deposited money for Adams 12 STEM students to access through micro-loans.
Students' business plans must be vetted through a PBL or club.
More information is available by attending parent/guardian informational meetings.
Tinker Studio
Technology and Tools available
Students at Northglenn STEM have access to tools and technology to make their ideas a reality. Students can become "badged" in 3D printing and Laser Engraving so they can access these tools for creating school and personal projects.*
Come see all the amazing technology and learn some new skills. We have 3D printers, laser engravers, shop tools, air compressor tools, hand power tools, virtual reality headsets, crafting tools, 360 cameras, drones, arduinos, and so much more!
Flashforge is our 3D printing partner and supplier. We have a vast collection of 3D printers that can print in a variety of materials.
Apps and Web-tools helpful for students to use
Canva A simple, drag-and-drop, design software
Prezi Say goodbye to boring slides and set your best ideas free.
Screencast Allows you to share high quality video.
Slideshare Allows you to share presentations. For a description of what it is: Click Here.
PowToon Help video: Click Here
XtraNormal Xtranormal instantly turns your words into a 3D animated movie.
Data Apps
QR Codes
What Code Should You Learn?
Princeton Intro to Java Programming
CodeAcademy.COM self-taught courses in HTML/CSS, Python, Ruby, and PHP
MIT App Inventor tutorial to develop mobile apps on Android phones.
Scratch a simple visual programming language
Alice is used to create 3D animations
Fold.It Solve Puzzles for Science
Engineering Games
Flood.It Game