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Art Club


Art Club is a place for you to meet other artistically-minded peers, explore new materials, and take creative risks! The club is a self-paced, independent artistic exploration. It is held every Tuesday and Thursday by both Ms. Tipton and Mr. Bell, so there will always be an art teacher available to help, give direction, or challenge you. There's a whole world of art out there, let's make and explore some together! Art-making tools and materials will be provided.

Meet times: Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3:10 - 4:10pm room 328. You do NOT need to be in an art class to participate. For any other information, please email Ms. Tipton at

Joshua Bell and Nora Tipton

NHS placed third at this year’s Denver Chalk Art Festival for the student division! The kids spent several school afternoons and two full summer days for this event.

art club