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Link Crew

What is Link Crew?

Link Crew is a club at Northglenn High School that focuses on welcoming freshmen into the school and helping them have a smooth transition during their first year of high school. Link Crew hosts a freshmen assembly and orientation in August to welcome the new students and show them around the school.

The goal of Link Crew is to help freshmen have a smooth transition and feel connected to their new school right from the start. Every August, Link Crew hosts an assembly and orientation where members of Link Crew meet with the ninth graders in small groups. This allows for the students to get a school tour and a ton of helpful information. Throughout the school year the Link Crew members continue to meet with the freshmen and invite them to school events. Link Crew even hosts a few events hopes to help all students feel involved.

Meeting information:

During the school year, Link Crew meets prior to an activity with Freshmen, usually in room 227. A text reminder will be sent out prior to all meetings to clarify time and location. 

All LINK leaders are expected to attend a meeting on the last Wed of the month, 7:15-7:30 am OR 3:15-3:30 pm.