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College/Scholarships/Financial Aid


Do you need help accessing the military, finding work, applying to college, filling out the FAFSA/CASFA? Every Tuesday, Thursday and every other Friday we have Ms. Angelica from INSPiRE!. Ms. Angelica meets with students one-on-one to discuss post graduation planning. She also hosts small groups for college planning located in the college room in the counseling office. Check out the monthly newsletter from INSPiRE! 

(Previous newsletters: September, October, November, December)


     Fafsa night




Take advantage of Colorado/Local and National scholarships! 

Colorado/Local scholarships are open to a smaller number of students, less will apply, so you will have a higher chance of winning local scholarships. 

Institutional Scholarships

One of the best places for students to get money for college is through the college or university to which they are applying. ​Many colleges and universities have their own scholarship database that each incoming freshman must fill out in order to be considered for their institutional scholarship monies. These scholarship applications typically will become available around October or November, but each college sets their own scholarship application access dates and deadlines.

Click on the colleges below to see some of the in-state university scholarship applications. Pay close attention to when they open and when they are due.


Scholarship Search Engines


Financial Aid

Figuring out how to pay for college can be overwhelming. Luckily, there are many opportunities to relieve some of the financial burden and make college an option for everyone. With financial aid, many students who can’t afford to pay for college on their own are able to enroll in college and earn a degree. Financial aid refers to money that helps you pay for college, and it comes in many forms. Start searching for financial aid early and talk to your school counselor to learn more.

Apply for student aid including loans, grants, work study: