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Databases that begin with "G"

Gale in Context: High School

General subject database that includes full-text newspaper and periodical articles, images, videos, audio files and archival film clips and broadcast footage.

Gale in Context: US History

Information on people, events and topics related to U.S. History. Content includes reference articles, newspaper and periodical articles, as well as thousands of primary sources.

Gale in Context: World History

Covering world history from ancient times to the modern era, this database focuses on cultures and societies of humankind. Primary sources, reference materials and multimedia content make up the bulk of this database.

Gale eBooks

Full-text access to a variety of reference books on many different topics. It is the digital answer to the printed volumes of reference materials that once filled library shelves. Users can choose to search individual reference books, or they can search every book in the collection.

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