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Research in Spanish

Spanish language resources can be accessed at the links below: 

  • Redalyc - Network of scientific journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal
  • Dialnet - Scholarly journal articles, book chapters, theses and monographs published in Spain
  • Scielo - Digital publishing database from South America
  • CLACSO - Virtual social sciences library from Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Newspapers in Spanish - List of links to Spanish language newspapers published in the United States. 


Library Databases

Hallazgos - World Book Encyclopedia in Spanish

Gale Databases - All of our Gale databases will translate any article to several different languages. 

Academic Search Premier  - The advanced search in Academic Search Premier allows users to search for articles written in specific languages. 

ebso website Screenshot

EBSCOhost Espanol - Select EBSCOhost Espanol from the EBSCO selection page. Please note, while the interface will be in Spanish, articles and search results may not be.